
Change guild settings, make the bot display the current price as nickname, make commands staff only, and change the bot color to the price change.

Change bot nickname

Change the bot's nickname to the current Solana price

This command will give an error if you have tpsnickname enabled since they can't be active on the same time.

It might take up to 10 minutes for the nickname to update, if the nickname does not update, please check if it has permission to do so.

Bot TPS nickname

Change the bot's nickname to the current Solana TPS (Transactions per second)

It might take up to 10 minutes for the nickname to update, if the nickname does not update, please check if it has permission to do so.

/bot publiccommands <value>

Remove or add the ability for members to run commands

True = Everyone is able to run commands (except admin-only)

False = Only Admins are able to run commands

Disable channel

Disable a channel, users will no longer be able to run commands here

Enable channel


reset all the guild data Solmate has, this cannot be undone

Add a nametag

Add nametags so wallets don't show up as addresses but as a name

Remove a nametag

You can remove a nametag

List nametags

Get a list of all the current applied nametags

Last updated